Focus Book- Animal Babies in the Grasslands
Focus Letter- Pp /p/
Comprehension Skill- Main Idea
High Frequency Words- we, like, my
Math- 11-20 and counting by 2's
Unit- Animals
Monday- Practice presenting animal report.
Tuesday- Look for words or objects that begin with Pp.
Wednesday- Practice sight words and number words.
Thursday- Practice assessment words.
Friday- Practice recognizing numbers 11-20.
I have had some parents ask what assessment words are. These are words that have been created from the letters that we have studies so far and will be tested on Friday assessments.
Please remember that I am still learning this blogging thing, so I know that I am getting a little behind with weekly information and assignments. I know that I still have to do a seen and heard from last week, and yes things did happen last week in kindergarten. So I will try to get that up really soon.
We are lucky to have Mrs. Amanda McNiese filling in for Mrs. Frazier while she is out. Mrs. McNiese is certified in Elementary Education and has previously taught fifth and second grade in her own classrooms and has done a long term leave in a first grade class. Please welcome her if you get a chance.
Mrs. Frazier is still resting and waiting. Please keep remembering her.
Please remember that we need volunteers for the Fall Bazaar and donations of cakes and/or cookies for the cake walk.
Thanks to all of the parents for all you do and your never ending patience as I learn this blog thing. Mrs. Thrasher
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Birmingham Zoo
Well, on the 9th, we took our monkeys to see the monkeys at The Birmingham Zoo and had a great time. Above, I hope you are able to see some of the great pictures that were made. I still need some of Mrs. Shannon's class, so if you have any, please email them to me. Thanks, Mrs. Thrasher
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
October 14-17
If the parents of students in Mrs. Thrasher's class are wondering why you do not have a homework sheet, it is because I just found them laying on my table! Sorry about that! So here is this weeks homework:
Tuesday: complete the following patterns
orange black orange black orange __________
blue blue pink blue blue __________
green white white green white _________
Wednesday: Practice sight and number words
Thursday: Practice assessment words
Friday: Prepare animal report to bring next week.
Children's Theatre money is due tomorrow. All adult tickets have been purchased. The cost for all three shows is $30.00 per student. Please remember that the teachers have no way of making change.
Also, please remember to have your little girls wear shorts under any skirts or dresses that they wear to school. We spend a lot of time on the floor and they have a hard time keeping those dresses down sometimes.
Have a great week, Mrs. Thrasher
Tuesday: complete the following patterns
orange black orange black orange __________
blue blue pink blue blue __________
green white white green white _________
Wednesday: Practice sight and number words
Thursday: Practice assessment words
Friday: Prepare animal report to bring next week.
Children's Theatre money is due tomorrow. All adult tickets have been purchased. The cost for all three shows is $30.00 per student. Please remember that the teachers have no way of making change.
Also, please remember to have your little girls wear shorts under any skirts or dresses that they wear to school. We spend a lot of time on the floor and they have a hard time keeping those dresses down sometimes.
Have a great week, Mrs. Thrasher
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Seen and Heard this Week!
Our unit this week was Fall. My class learned about pumpkins and apples. On Thursday we made pumpkin pie. Well, our version of pumpkin pie anyway. We really enjoyed it. The pictures this week are from my class.
Also, this week, we would like for you to keep Mrs. Frazier in your thoughts. She is doing well and I hope laying flat on her back at home. The doctor has put her off of her feet for a little while. We are very lucky to have gotten the world's best kindergarten substitute to sub for her until she is feeling better. I want to assure all of Mrs. Frazier's parents that your students are being well taken care of and are learning just as if Mrs. Frazier was there. Not that she could ever be replaced, but your students really do have the next best thing! Speaking of Mrs. Hallmark (or Ms. Walmart as many of the children call her), the heard part of this post actually comes from the pep rally last week as told by Mrs. Hallmark.
Mrs. Hallmark was subbing for Mrs. Shannon and had really talked up the pep rally. About half way through the pep rally, Harris looked up at her and asked, "Is this the pet rally?" To which she replied, "Yes." "Well" he continued, "where are all of the pets?!!!" Out of the mouth of babes! This is why I love kindergarten, their minds are always working. Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Thrasher
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Homecoming week was a real treat for kindergarten. We got to dress up and go to our first pep rally. I hope you enjoy the pictures from our first homecoming.
The first day was decades day. (and YES, that is Mrs. Thrasher looking like she is back in junior high!)
The second was book character day.
The third was class color day and that is the picture that you see at the top of the blog page.
The fourth was camo day.
The fifth was black and gold day.
You can double click on the pictures to see them larger. Enjoy!
Mrs. Thrasher
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The week of September 29- October 3
Focus book: Dig, Dig, Digging By: Margaret Mayo
Literacy Concept: /t/
High Frequency Words: to, a, the, little, I, am
Unit: Fall
Math: Patterns
Monday- Practice naming numbers and counting from 1-20.
Tuesday- Look for things that begin with m and t.
Wednesday- Practice writing numbers to 10. Correct any backwards numbers.
Thursday- Practice number words and sight words.
Friday- Complete color word patterns on homework sheet.
Friday is Funtastic Friday. Students may purchase cotton candy for $1.00.
Literacy Concept: /t/
High Frequency Words: to, a, the, little, I, am
Unit: Fall
Math: Patterns
Monday- Practice naming numbers and counting from 1-20.
Tuesday- Look for things that begin with m and t.
Wednesday- Practice writing numbers to 10. Correct any backwards numbers.
Thursday- Practice number words and sight words.
Friday- Complete color word patterns on homework sheet.
Friday is Funtastic Friday. Students may purchase cotton candy for $1.00.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Seen and Heard This Week
I am still waiting on several permission slips, so I am not posting pictures this week. I hope to be able to share some pictures and maybe an interesting comment or two by our students each week. Next week I should be able to catch up on some photos.
As far as what was heard this week- Mrs. Shannnon had to be out with her mother Thursday and Friday for a medical procedure (please keep her in your thoughts). Mrs. Hallmark, one of the world's best kindergarten substitutes was her sub these two days. Upon entering Mrs. Shannon's classroom, I heard Ethan informing Mrs. Hallmark that "Mrs. Thrasher is having a baby." Of course, I had to defend myself, I said, "No Mrs. Thrasher is NOT having a baby." Upon which Ethan replied, "Oh yes she is, have you seen her?!!" While Ethan is very observant, I assure you that Mrs. Thrasher is definitely NOT having a baby. I am hoping that he got the names Frazier and Thrasher confused. Mrs. Frazier is having a baby and we are very proud for her. As for Mrs. Thrasher, I am researching NutriSystem this weekend.
Mrs. Thrasher
As far as what was heard this week- Mrs. Shannnon had to be out with her mother Thursday and Friday for a medical procedure (please keep her in your thoughts). Mrs. Hallmark, one of the world's best kindergarten substitutes was her sub these two days. Upon entering Mrs. Shannon's classroom, I heard Ethan informing Mrs. Hallmark that "Mrs. Thrasher is having a baby." Of course, I had to defend myself, I said, "No Mrs. Thrasher is NOT having a baby." Upon which Ethan replied, "Oh yes she is, have you seen her?!!" While Ethan is very observant, I assure you that Mrs. Thrasher is definitely NOT having a baby. I am hoping that he got the names Frazier and Thrasher confused. Mrs. Frazier is having a baby and we are very proud for her. As for Mrs. Thrasher, I am researching NutriSystem this weekend.
Mrs. Thrasher
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Birmingham Children's Theatre
Kindergarten will be attending three performance this year.
The studentss cost for all performances (including bus transportation) is $30.00.
We have a limited number of tickets available for parents. The tickets will be on a first come, first serve basis. The cost for parents is $18.00.
All fees are due by October 15, 2008.
Additional plans for lunch on these days will be planned later and may require an additional fee.
The performances that we are going to see this year are:
Dear Santa- December
Goldilocks and the Three Bears- March
Pinocchio- May
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I just wanted to share a few things.
First- In order to leave a comment on this blog, you will need to submit it twice. The first time it will tell you that it has to be moderated by the author. Then you will have to click on submit a second time. I have put this setting on the comment section in order to avoid any negative input or inappropriate information from being published on this blog.
Second- I have gotten some really good pictures from the events of this homecoming week. So make sure you get your permission slips in. I can not post ANY pictures unless I have a form on every student.
Last- for my class only. Scholasitic order forms came home yesterday. We had a great response on the orders last month. Please remember to make any checks for these orders out to Corner School.
Thanks so much to all of you, Mrs. Thrasher
I just wanted to share a few things.
First- In order to leave a comment on this blog, you will need to submit it twice. The first time it will tell you that it has to be moderated by the author. Then you will have to click on submit a second time. I have put this setting on the comment section in order to avoid any negative input or inappropriate information from being published on this blog.
Second- I have gotten some really good pictures from the events of this homecoming week. So make sure you get your permission slips in. I can not post ANY pictures unless I have a form on every student.
Last- for my class only. Scholasitic order forms came home yesterday. We had a great response on the orders last month. Please remember to make any checks for these orders out to Corner School.
Thanks so much to all of you, Mrs. Thrasher
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The week of September 22-26
Focus Book: Julius by: Angela Johnson
Literacy Concept: /m/
High Frequency Words: to, a, the, little, I, am
Unit: Fall
Math: Numbers 1-10 and patterns
Monday- Practice naming numbers and writing them in order.
Tuesday- Practice writing letters Aa- Jj.
Wednesday- Practice writing letters Kk- Zz.
Thursday- Practice reading number words and sight words.
Firday- Practice color words.
Just a few reminders for the upcoming week:
All cookie dough fundraiser money is due Monday, September 22nd.
The first spirit wear order will be placed Friday, September 26th.
It is homecoming week. Show your spirit by participating in our theme dress-up days.
Monday - Decades Day
Tuesday - Book Character Day
Wednesday - Class Color Day- Kindergarten is red
Thursday - Camo Day
Friday - Black and Gold
We are looking forward to a fantastic week, I hope you are too.
Mrs. Thrasher
Literacy Concept: /m/
High Frequency Words: to, a, the, little, I, am
Unit: Fall
Math: Numbers 1-10 and patterns
Monday- Practice naming numbers and writing them in order.
Tuesday- Practice writing letters Aa- Jj.
Wednesday- Practice writing letters Kk- Zz.
Thursday- Practice reading number words and sight words.
Firday- Practice color words.
Just a few reminders for the upcoming week:
All cookie dough fundraiser money is due Monday, September 22nd.
The first spirit wear order will be placed Friday, September 26th.
It is homecoming week. Show your spirit by participating in our theme dress-up days.
Monday - Decades Day
Tuesday - Book Character Day
Wednesday - Class Color Day- Kindergarten is red
Thursday - Camo Day
Friday - Black and Gold
We are looking forward to a fantastic week, I hope you are too.
Mrs. Thrasher
Trying to make it easier to keep up with us
Ok, everybody is doing it. I have never really been one to follow the crowd. Well since I turned 20, anyway, so I have not jumped on the blog band wagon. I have tried several times in the last few years to create a website for our kindergarten classrooms. I have found that a website is just too much to keep up with. So, here I am, doing my first blog entry! My purpose here- for parents to be able to keep up with their children, their children's teachers, and what is going on in their little ones lives. Having a niece who started kindergarten this year, has reminded me of just how hard it is for parents to hand their children over to a woman that they just met once at a "meet the teacher night"! So in an effort to be sensitive to our parents and students needs, I am trying this blog thing. Hope it is helpful.
On a side note, if you want to see pictures of your little ones on this blog, make sure that you sign the technology permission form that will be coming home on Monday. I will not be able to post any child's image without these permission slips. I will try to get newsletters, calendars, and homework posted as soon as I get a chance.
Mrs. Thrasher
On a side note, if you want to see pictures of your little ones on this blog, make sure that you sign the technology permission form that will be coming home on Monday. I will not be able to post any child's image without these permission slips. I will try to get newsletters, calendars, and homework posted as soon as I get a chance.
Mrs. Thrasher
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