Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January 2009

Happy New Year!

Upcoming Events:
Jan.6-Students return to school
Jan. 16– Report cards go home
Jan. 19– No School!
Jan. 27- 100th day of school
Jan. 30– National Popcorn Day
Feb. 12- Reading Night(6:00pm-7:00pm)
Feb. 13- Valentine Snack
Feb. 16– No School!
Feb. 20– School Dance (K-3rd)

Goals for January:
Reading/Language Arts-
Phonics-Ff/f/, Oo/o/, Hh/h/
Comprehension Skills– plot, draw conclusions, main idea, sequence
High-Frequency Words: see, look, they, you, of, do, are, that
Math– Time and Money
Science/SS– Winter, Motion, Famous Heroes, Trees

A Few Reminders:
· Parents: You must sign in at the elementary office before entering the school building at all times.
· Remember to check out our Kindergarten blog each week to get the latest updates and information. You can check it out at:
· Please bring in your favorite flavored popcorn to share with the class on January 30.
School Dance for K-3rd grade
We need volunteers to work the dance on Feb. 20 and to start calling for donations for the food. All money made at this dance will go to the Kindergarten classrooms. We need your support!