Thursday, February 26, 2009

Upcoming Events:

March 2-6 Read Across America Week
  • March 2 -Fox in Socks Day (wear crazy socks)
  • March 3- I Can Read with My Eyes Shut (wear sunglasses)
  • March 4-Wacky Wednesday (wear wacky clothes)
  • March 5- The Cat in the Hat Day (wear your favorite hat)
  • March 6 - One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish Day-Class Color Day (wear red)

March 3- Vision Screening

March 4-Speaker, James Spann 10:00am (the lunchroom will have sack lunches on this day)

March 12 -Field Trip to Children's Theatre

March 16-20 Spring Break!!

March 28- Elementary Beauty Pageant

Field Trip to Children's Theatre:

On March 12, we will be talking our field to the Children's Theatre. We have several things planned for this day. We will first take a tour of the Piggly Wiggly in Warrior. Next, we will go and see the 11:00am show “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” at Children’s Theatre. Last, we will go to Moncrief Park in Gardendale, to eat lunch and play on the playground. Please make sure that your child brings a snack, a sack lunch, and two drinks (labeled). All snacks and lunches need to be in separate bags and have your child's name on it. We will leave the school around 8:15am and return around 2:00pm. Only parents who have prepaid for children’s theatre will be able to attend the show. All parents are welcome at the other events.

Goals for March:

Reading/Language Arts-
Phonics-Ee/e/, Jj/j/, Ww/w/, Xx/ks/
Comprehension Skills– setting, realism, fantasy, cause and effect
High-Frequency Words: go, here, from, yellow, blue, green, what, said, was
Math– Addition
Science/SS– Trees, Transportation, Plants

Thank you to all the parents who helped out at the Kindergarten Dance. We could not have done it without you!!

Thank you to those who sold coupon books!!! We really appreciate your support!!

A Few Reminders:

  • We are giving a reading assessment each Friday. The assessment words are found on your homework sheet each week. Please have your child go over the words daily.
  • Each week we are sending home a reading booklet that goes with our reading series. Please take the time each week to have your child read it to you.
  • Continue to read your rah books at home. Your child is being tested each week on their book.
  • Book Orders are due for Mrs. Frazier's class on March 6.
  • Book Orders are due for Mrs. Shannon's class on March 9.